Hotel Renovation - Part Two

Last year we took a trip to California to a beautiful beach hotel where they are beginning to renovate all the rooms. We were invited to create murals for the bathrooms, and we wanted to be on hand to oversee the installation of the murals.

Skipper Steve holds a prototype section for the California hotel mural.

No, we cannot tell you where this hotel is right now as decisions are still being made on what to do to renovate this amazing hotel. But the installers, who work for this particular company told me that last year the company renovated 49 hotel properties. Think about that for a minute. That is almost one hotel per week!

The paperhangers had nothing but praise for our paper. They just finished a renovation job in Beverly Hills California and said our paper was far superior to what they had to work with there.

We stayed for three days, then drove back home to our home / office in Post Falls, Idaho.

On the way, we researched hotel renovation and found out some interesting facts about hotel renovations. We thought you might be interested.

The paperhanger trims the excess off the bottom for a tight fit.

  • Theme hotels are very popular right now. We found hotels in railroad towns that used murals of historic pictures of railroads as a theme.

  • Re-branding is a good reason to renovate a hotel. Re-branding can be done at a fraction of the cost of building a whole new hotel, and murals can really help a hotel re-brand and appeal to a larger-based clientele than before.

  • Murals that tell a history of the town are popular with hotels as they can tell a story that other hotels do not bother to share.

  • Murals in the lobby and restaurants have been fairly common, but murals in the guest rooms really make for a memorable stay and encourage guests to revisit the hotel in the future.

For that reason we decided to make our marketing focus for the future on hotel renovation. We are adding staff to help with our day-to-day nautical chart wall murals, but our focus will be on helping hotels with their ambitious renovation projects by creating murals to establish a theme. Whether it is a thousand room hotel in Las Vegas or a modest seaside hotel on the coast of Maine, we are there with the experience and excellent wallpaper stocks to make cost-effective renovation possible.

A job well done! Smooth installation. One bathroom finished, others await.

And our prices have not gone up since our inception in 2003. Still $10 per square foot and a modest setup fee per project.

After 17 years, we’ll renovate anything but our prices! Call us about your hotel renovation ideas, 801-367-7945.

Buffy Farley

  "Skipper" Steve Morris has been sailing for more than 45 years. Whenever Skipper's sailor friends used to talk about their sailing adventures, it was not unusual for them to grab a chart, unroll it to a certain island or waterway, and tell a story of what happened during a particular voyage. As Skipper realized that nautical charts are used for navigating stories as well as passageways, the idea of nautical chart murals came naturally. What better place to tell a tale of the sea than in one's own home or office than with a beautiful nautical chart mural as the visual aid!

   In 2013, he moved to the Coeur d'Alene area of Northern Idaho with his wife Linda. When Skipper is not working on murals, you can find him sailing his Erickson 27' on Lake Coeur d’Alene.

   He continues to design custom-made wallpaper from nautical charts, satellite photos, topographical maps and favorite photos.

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Hotel Renovation is the Hottest Trend!