A Picture is Worth a Thousand Islands

Unless you have spent some time in the Thousand Island area of the St Lawrence River, you might not realize that your favorite salad dressing, Thousand Island, actually was created in the Thousand Islands at the little town of Alexandria New York.

Thousand Island New York nautical chart wallpaper mural

Having been there myself, I can tell you that the Thousand Islands are unforgettable! The River itself is where the islands are divided on the north by Canada and on the south by the United States.

We have created some cool murals in that area, but Helen Magnant did a super job of achieving a nautical look in her mud room. Note the anchor hooks for hanging coats and hats. The colored glass also adds a nice touch at different times of the day as you can see from the second picture below.

Thousand Island Nautical chart wallpaper mural

We also tilted the chart a bit to get more of the island areas important to Helen. Note there is a technique we use to turning a chart so that it does not pixelate. We also put a red anchor on the island where Helen lives.

How about you? Are you ready to make a nautical room with Nautical Chart Wallpaper? Call or text us at 801-989-8083 and tell us about your ideas. We’d love to help!

Buffy Farley

  "Skipper" Steve Morris has been sailing for more than 45 years. Whenever Skipper's sailor friends used to talk about their sailing adventures, it was not unusual for them to grab a chart, unroll it to a certain island or waterway, and tell a story of what happened during a particular voyage. As Skipper realized that nautical charts are used for navigating stories as well as passageways, the idea of nautical chart murals came naturally. What better place to tell a tale of the sea than in one's own home or office than with a beautiful nautical chart mural as the visual aid!

   In 2013, he moved to the Coeur d'Alene area of Northern Idaho with his wife Linda. When Skipper is not working on murals, you can find him sailing his Erickson 27' on Lake Coeur d’Alene.

   He continues to design custom-made wallpaper from nautical charts, satellite photos, topographical maps and favorite photos.


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